BeiJingAIRK 发表于 2021-12-13 12:00:05




扰流板下面的AUTO BRK旋钮更是不起作用,请问各位大佬,AS321有什么办法可以像FSL系列那样完美匹配吗?感谢!!

叶奕奕奕奕 发表于 2021-12-14 01:19:06

我记得这些个按键都是要设置在HOTAS General按键的,有一个文件专门讲了这个,我找找看还有没有

叶奕奕奕奕 发表于 2021-12-14 01:30:18

本帖最后由 叶奕奕奕奕 于 2021-12-13 18:34 编辑


To correctly implement those switches/knobs/handles please assign following buttons in the "Key Assignments" menu of P3D:

Switch on game controllerEVENTASSIGNMENTREPEAT sliderON RELEASE
GEAR lever in UP position"Hotas generic key (A8)"BUTTON 21full left-
GEAR lever in DOWN position"Hotas generic key (A9)"BUTTON 21-YES
PARK BRK handle in SET position"Hotas generic key (B0)"BUTTON 20full left-
PARK BRK handle in RELEASE position"Hotas generic key (B1)"BUTTON 20-YES
AUTO BRK BTV"Hotas generic key (B2)"BUTTON 22full left-
AUTO BRK LO"Hotas generic key (B3)"BUTTON 23full left-
AUTO BRK 2"Hotas generic key (B4)"BUTTON 24full left-
AUTO BKR HI"Hotas generic key (B5)"BUTTON 26full left-
RUD TRIM knob in left position"Hotas generic key (B6)"BUTTON 18middle-
RUD TRIM knob in right position"Hotas generic key (B7)"BUTTON 19middle-
RUD TRIM knob in center position"Hotas generic key (B8)"BUTTON 18-YES
RUD TRIM knob in center position"Hotas generic key (B8)"BUTTON 19-YES
RUD TRIM RESET button"Hotas generic key (B9)"BUTTON 17full left-
RUD TRIM RESET button"Hotas generic key (B9)"BUTTON 17-YES

To do so please follow follong steps (as an example for GEAR lever switch):

[*]Enter "hotas" into the search field on the top right of the key assignment menu
[*]Click on "Hotas generig key (A8)", then click "New" at the bottom of the window. The "New Assignment" window opens.
[*]Move the GEAR lever on your controller into "UP" position, "Button 21" should show up in the text field. Then click OK.
[*]Leave the "Repeat" slider on the left side
[*]Now click on "Hotas generig key (A9)" and again click "New" at the bottom of the window. Again, the "New Assignment" window opens.
[*]Move the GEAR lever on your controller into "DOWN" position, "Button 21" should show up in the text field. Then click OK.
[*]Select "On Release", then click OK.

Assign all above mentioned switches in the same way...

BeiJingAIRK 发表于 2021-12-14 13:06:28

叶奕奕奕奕 发表于 2021-12-14 01:30

To correctly implement those switches/knobs/handles please assign follow ...


AIRWINGS 发表于 2023-3-26 07:51:46

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