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[飞行交流] [原创] 微软模拟飞行 DOS 版汇总(可在Windows下运行体验哦)

发表于 2012-2-25 15:22:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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原创翻译自捷克模拟飞行历史网  http://www.volny.cz/havlikjosef/downloadenglish2.htm

           Next  wonderful program which can emulate virtual hardware environment is DOSBox. The DOSBox is not a  multiple emulator like MESS but it can very well, even much better than MESS,  emulate DOS environment. DOSBox can run DOS games from CGA/Tandy/PCjr to  Intel x86 SVGA personal computers. It has much better graphics and few  additional good functions. The great advantage is that it can run all  Microsoft Flight Simulator versions for PC from version 2.xx (booters) to  version 5.1 and even some special editions like for Tandy and Data  General/One. Thanks to Peter Veenstra of the DOSBox team I have a special  edition of DOSBox program which can run Microsoft Flight Simulator  1.00 and 1.05.
      下一个可以完美模拟虚拟硬件环境的软件是DOSBoxDOSBox不是一个像MESS一样的模拟多平台的软件,但是它在模拟DOS方面下远远强于MESSDOSBox可以运行从CGATandyPCjrx86 SVGA个人电脑下的的DOS游戏。它含有更好的图像质量和一些很好的附加功能。最大的优点是它可以运行从FS PC2.x5.1的所有版本,甚至连一些特殊版本如TandyData Gereral/One。感谢DOSBox团队的Peter Veenstra制作的可以运行FS 1.001.05的特别版DOSBox
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.12 for PC  – Chicago  
微软模拟飞行2.12 PC版—芝加哥
I made a special DOSBox compilation  which includes:  
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.00 for PC  (it is included version 1.05 as well) (也包含1.05),  
- subLOGIC Flight Simulator II for Data  General/One,  
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.14 for PC/PCjr/PS/2,  
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.12 for  Tandy 1000/1200,  
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0 for DOS,  
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0b for  DOS,  
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0 for DOS,  
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1 for DOS,
and everything in one package with  special individual setups for each version. The DOSBox program is used only  twice (one special edition for MSFS 1.xx and the second one for all others).  Then the package size is much smaller (only about 12.5MB). It is very easy to  use. Just follow this process:
和任何东西在同一个压缩包内(译者注:尼玛,这句没读懂),包含各分组件的启动程序。DOSBox程序仅有两个版本(一个是FS 1.x的特别版,另外一个是启动其他版本。)
1. Unzip the DOSBox.zip file anywhere on your hard disk. You can  use any disk drive, any sub-directory or any DOSBox directory name.
1. 解压DOSBox.zip到任何位置。你可以使用任何磁盘驱动器,任何子目录或任何DOSBox支持的目录(译者注:英文目录)。
2. Choose Flight Simulator version in the  main directory tree and double-click on batch file, for example “MSFS2 for PC.bat”  file. It will start the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.14 for PC. The screen  will open in full screen.
2. 在主目录选择FS版本后打开对应的批处理文件,例如“MSFS2 for PC.bat”文件。它将启动全屏模式的FS 2.14
Here are the most  important commands for running DOSBox:  
ALT-ENTER       switch to window screen and back to full screen  
Alt+Enter    切换窗口和全屏模式  
ALT-PAUSE       pause emulation  
Alt+Pause    暂停虚拟  
CTRL-ALT-F5   start/stop  creating a movie of the screen in avi format  
Ctrl+Alt+F5   启动/停止创建一个AVI格式的屏幕录像  
CTRL-F5             save a screenshot in png format
Ctrl+F5        保存一个PNG格式的屏幕截图  
CTRL-F9             turn off DOSBox  
Ctrl+F9       关闭DOSBox  
CTRL-F10           capture/release the mouse  
Ctrl+F10      捕获/释放鼠标箭头  
CTRL-F11           slow down emulation (decrease DOSBox cycles)  
Ctrl+F11      减速模拟(减速DOSBox循环)[译者注:这括号里面不懂]  
CTRL-F12           speed up emulation (increase DOSBox cycles)  
Ctrl+F12      加速模拟(加速DOSBox循环)[译者注:这括号里面不懂]
How to control the Flight Simulator?  Here are brief instructions for each version.  
SubLOGIC Flight Simulator II for Data  General/One is the very rare version for one of the first laptops in  the world. The version is only monochromatic. Data General/One is PC  “compatible” computer and then the version can run with DOSBox. Start the  Flight Simulator by “FSII for Data General One.bat” file. When an  introduction screen appears, select screen mode A – slightly textured sky.  Then select operation mode B – regular flight mode. Press F2 to get full  throttle. Your plane will go and take off. Use cursor keys to control the  plane. The detailed control keyboard map is here (they are included keyboard maps for all  versions).
SubLOGIC 模拟飞行 II for Data  General/One 是世界上第一台笔记本电脑之一上的非常稀有的软件。这个版本只有黑白两种颜色。Data General/One是一台可用DOSBox模拟的PC兼容计算机。用“FSII for Data General One.bat”启动模拟飞行。当介绍屏幕出现时,选择屏幕模式A—有纹理的天空(slightly textured sky),然后选择操作模式B—通常飞行模式(regular flight mode)。按F2启动最大节流阀,飞机就会加速并起飞。用方向键来控制飞机。详细键盘控制图在这里(包括所有版本的键盘映射)。
subLOGIC Flight Simulator II for Data  General/One - Miss Liberty in New York  
subLOGIC Flight Simulator II for Data  General/One – 纽约的自由女神
The DOSBox program has few advantages. It  can save screenshots and even movies. Just use Ctrl-F5 keys. The screenshots  are saved to subdirectory \DOSBox\FS\capture. The same is for creating a  movie. Use Ctrl-Alt-F5 keys. It is important to install a special video codec  before creating movies. The codec is within the mentioned “capture”  sub-directory. Just right click on a file called zmbv.inf and in a menu  choose install.
Microsoft Flight  Simulator 1.00 for PC is the first ever version published by Microsoft  although it was made by Bruce Artwick of subLOGIC. As you can see the version  already displays four colors. Sometimes it is claimed that the version was  only monochromatic. It is not true. The colors are display correctly only  with CGA graphic cards and color composite monitors. Start the Flight  Simulator by "MSFS1.00 for PC.bat" file. When an introduction  screen appears, select display mode A - color TV or composite monitor (for  color mode) or B - black and white TV (for monochromatic mode). Then  select operation mode B – regular flight mode. Press F2 to get full throttle.  When you get speed of 50 knots, pull rudder up to about half position by down  cursor key. Your plane will take off. Sometimes there appears a SPLASH  message. It depends on you use the rudder in a right moment. Once you get in  the ear, use cursor keys to control the plane. If you want to run subversion  1.05, start it by "MSFS1.05 for PC.bat" file. The plane  is placed to the other position - approximately in the middle of the runway.  So it is better taxiing to the better place at the edge of runway to get more  starting space.
微软模拟飞行1.00 PC版是第一个曾经由微软发行的版本,虽然它由subLOGICBruce Artwick制作。就像你所看到的一样,此版本已可以显示四种颜色。有的人说这个版本是黑白的,实际上这是不对的。只在使用CGA显卡和混合颜色显示器上颜色才会正常显示。使用文件“MSFS1.00 for PC.bat”启动FS。当介绍屏幕显示时,选择显示模式A—彩色电视(Color TV)或混合显示器[composite monitors](彩色模式)[composite monitors]B—黑白电视模式[black and white TV](黑白模式)。按F2启动最大节流阀。当达到50节的速度,用↓方向键拉起半个位置高,飞机即可起飞。有时会显示一个SPLASH消息,这个取决于你拉起的时间。起飞后,使用方向键控制飞机。如果你想运行1.05子版本,请使用“MSFS1.05 for PC.bat”文件。飞机被切换到其他视角—接近跑道的中央。所以最好滑行到跑道的边界的最佳位置来获得更长的滑行空间。
Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.00 for PC  (color composite monitor) - wonderful view of Chicago Meigs Field runway  
微软模拟飞行1.00 PC版(混合颜色显示器)—芝加哥Meigs  Field 机场的完美视角
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.14 for PC/PCjr/PS/2  is the latest version in 2.xx series and it is very rare as well. Start the  Flight Simulator by “MSFS2 for PC.bat” file. When an introduction screen  appears, select display C – RGB monitor. Then select operation mode B –  regular flight mode. Then select keyboard mode C – PC, function keys on top.  Press F4 to get full throttle. Use cursor keys to control the plane (use a  similar manual to 2.10 version).
微软模拟飞行2.14 PC/PCjr/PS/2版是同样很稀有的2系列的最终版本。用“MSFS2 for PC.bat”文件启动FS。当介绍屏幕显示时,选择显示C-RGB Monitor,然后选择操作模式B—通常飞行模式(regular flight mode)。然后选择键盘模式CPC在上方的功能键,按F4启动最大节流阀。使用方向键控制飞机(用类似的2.10版本说明)。
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.14 for PC  and PS/2 (color composite monitor) – Champaign  
微软模拟飞行2.14 PCPS/2版(混合颜色显示器)—  平原
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.12 for Tandy  1000/1200 is a special edition for Tandy computers. The version is nearly the  same as the version for PC. Start the Flight Simulator by “MSFS2 for  Tandy.bat” file. When an introduction screen appears, select display C – RGB  monitor. Then select operation mode B – regular flight mode. Then select  keyboard B – Tandy 1200 type keyboard. The latest answer: Do you want to use  mouse? Choose - N. Press F2 to get full throttle. Use cursor keys to control  the plane.
微软模拟飞行2.12 Tandy 1000/1200版是为Tandy 计算机制作的特别版本。此版本基本与PC版的相同。使用“MSFS2 for Tandy.bat”文件启动FS。当介绍屏幕显示时,选择显示C-RGB Monitor,然后选择操作模式B—通常飞行模式(regular flight mode)。然后选择键盘模式BTango 1200类型键盘。最后一个答案:你是否要使用鼠标?选择—N。按F2启动最大节流阀。使用方向键控制飞机
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.12 for  Tandy (RGB monitor) - right wing view of night Chicago  
微软模拟飞行2.12 Tandy版本(RGB显示器)— 夜晚芝加哥的右翼视角
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0 for DOS  has included standard scenery and additional scenery disk Europe. Start the  Flight Simulator by “MSFS3 for PC.bat” file. The Flight Simulator will start  at runway 36 of Chicago Meigs. Press F4 to get full throttle. Use cursor keys  to control the plane. Press S key to get other view (tower, track, spot and  back to cockpit).
微软模拟飞行3.0 DOS版包含了基本景色和附加景色盘——欧洲。用“MSFS3 for PC.bat”启动FSFS将在芝加哥Meigs机场26跑道开始。按F4启动最大节流阀。用方向键控制飞机。按S键切换视角(塔台、跑道、外部、座舱)。
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0 with  scenery disk Europe - Paris - Eiffel Tower  
微软模拟飞行3.0包含欧洲地景—巴黎 埃菲尔铁塔
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0b for DOS  has included standard scenery, additional scenery disk Europe and Aircraft  and scenery designer add-on with new planes like Boeing 747. Start the Flight  Simulator by “MSFS4 for PC.bat” file. Use the same control keys like for  version 3.0.
微软模拟飞行4.0b DOS版包含标准地景、欧洲额外地景、机景编辑器插件和新的飞机例如波音747。用“MSFS4 for PC.bat”文件启动FS。使用与3.0版相同的快捷键。
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0b with  Boeing 747 (Aircraft and scenery designer)  
微软模拟飞行 4.0b 包含波音747(飞机和景色设计器)
Microsoft Flight  Simulator 5.0 for DOS has included standard world scenery. Start the Flight  Simulator by “MSFS5 for PC.bat” file. Use the same control keys like for  previous versions. Use DOSBox control keys to adjust the simulation speed. If  the flight is not enough fluent, then you have to increase DOSBox cycles by  Ctrl-F12. When the Flight Simulator sounds are discontinuous, then you should  decrease DOSBox cycles by Ctrl-F11. You should find right DOSBox speed. In  other case you should decrease details in Flight Simulator scenery.
微软模拟飞行5.0 DOS版包含标准世界地景。用文件“MSFS5  for PC.bat”启动FS。使用与之前版本相同的控制键。使用DOSBox控制键来更改模拟速度。如果飞行不够流畅,你就需要用Ctrl+F12来加速DOSBox。若FS声音断断续续的,你就需要用Ctrl+F11减速DOSBox。你需要找到一个合适的DOSBox速度,或者你可以降低FS地景的精细度。
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0 - Paris  
            Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1 for DOS has included standard world scenery  and old FS4 scenery. Start the Flight Simulator by “MSFS5.1 for PC.bat” file.  Use the same control keys like for 5.0 version and the same recommendation  for DOSBox cycles.
           微软模拟飞行5.1 DOS版包含标准世界地景和旧FS4地景。用“MSFS5.1 for PC.bat”文件启动FS。使用与5.0版相同的控制键和相同的DOSBox速度。
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1 - San  Francisco with Golden Gate bridge and Alcatraz island  
            I spent much money to get original old versions of Flight Simulator. What was  important, I need disk images. Some of them I found on Internet but the  rarest versions did not exist. I bought the versions on eBay and sent a  copy to Jeff Leyda who lives in USA. Thanks to his great job I got back disk  images of Flight Simulator 2.12 for Tandy computers, Flight Simulator 2.14  for PC and PS/2, Flight Simulator II for.
           我花费了很多钱来获取旧版的FS。最重要的是,我需要磁盘映像。有些我在网上找到了,但是最稀有的版本却不存在。我购买了eBay上的版本然后给在美国的Jeff Leyda发了一个copy。感谢他的工作,这样我得到了FS 2.12 Tandy计算机版、FS 2.14 PCPS/2版、FS IIData General/One版。
            Next much thanks deserve to Peter Veenstra who made the special DOSBox  release which support Flight Simulator 1.00 for PC.
           然后应该感谢制作特别支持FS 1.0 PCDOSBoxPeter Veenstra
      译者感谢编写这篇文章的Josef Havlík
©2005-2011 Josef Havlík  ©2012  SINO-0431 AAC-9431


发表于 2012-2-25 23:37:15 | 显示全部楼层
这个好  如果可能的话 移植到我的安卓手机上

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-27 20:53:31 | 显示全部楼层
pplovefly2010 发表于 2012-2-25 23:37
这个好  如果可能的话 移植到我的安卓手机上


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-28 17:07:39 | 显示全部楼层
小兵张嘎 发表于 2012-2-27 20:53


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发表于 2012-3-28 15:14:55 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-5-3 17:08:17 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-5-21 13:26:31 | 显示全部楼层
赞     顶

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发表于 2012-6-27 21:09:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-9-9 17:14:36 | 显示全部楼层
115挂了 下载不到啦。。。

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发表于 2016-8-11 15:15:40 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-12-5 13:56:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-1-29 23:14:42 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-3-13 13:05:49 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-5-7 21:28:57 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-10-16 06:34:54 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-11-17 08:30:51 | 显示全部楼层
回来看看,这是微软 FS 的发展历史。历经时代的变迁和发展,技术的进步,真不容易哦。

我还保存着 DOS 版 FS5.1 的 CD 盘,是微软的原装盘哦。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-11-17 08:33:02 | 显示全部楼层
当年看同事老大哥在 APPLE II 上玩这个第一版的游戏,看不懂啊。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-11-18 20:04:11 | 显示全部楼层
回来看看,这是微软 FS 的发展历史

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-11-23 08:50:10 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-11-25 13:46:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-12-16 10:19:30 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-12-16 11:53:54 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-18 14:05:22 | 显示全部楼层
满满的都是回意 DOS,哈哈哈

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-12-28 11:34:14 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2018-6-20 20:24:03 | 显示全部楼层

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