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[PMDG 产品开发情况 原创翻译] 原文更新于2012年6月4日

发表于 2012-8-2 11:10:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 camelmax 于 2012-8-2 14:43 编辑

出于对 PMDG 777(更多地是 747v2)的关注,打算持续翻译 AVSIM 的 PMDG 子论坛上,管理员所发的官方进度贴。

General Update on In-Development Products 04JUN12
开发中的产品介绍 更新于2012年6月4日


I have been somewhat invisible in the forum recently- which many of you will recognize from history means that we are at that "peak of heavy lifting" on the 777.
我最近在论坛很少出现,很多人可以推断出我们正处在紧张的 777 研发期。

I wanted to give you a quick update on a few items that are currently in the mix- as well as clear up a few items that have "taken on a life of their own" so to speak.

PMDG 777-200LR:
The PMDG 777-200LR is progressing exceptionally well.  While we have not hit any significant developmental snags as we did with the NGX (my head hurts just thinking about that development cycle!) we aren't progressing as quickly as we would like.  This has everything to do with the things we have decided to add to this airplane and very little to do with technical difficulty or getting hung up developing new technology... On the NGX HUD for example, we were inventing new technology and it set us back four full months.  On the 777 we are refining technologies we already developed for the NGX so things are quite a bit easier- but we have added some things to the airplane that were not part of our original work-plan and that means taking a bit more time as well....
PMDG 777-200LR 的进展非常好。我们没有像在 NGX 的开发过程中那样处处碰壁(每次想起 NGX 的开发周期都会让我头痛)。我们也没有加快开发速度,这不是因为技术难题或是技术研发,而是因为我们决定为这个插件机多添加些东西。例如 NGX 的 HUD 开发,这是一项全新的技术,同时也让我们的项目进度倒退了整整 4 个月。在 777 项目中,我们只是针对那些为 NGX 而开发的技术进行改良,因此事情变得相对容易很多。但我们在原本的工作计划外为 777 增加了一些东西,这就意味着需要花多一点时间,还有多一点……(译者:是想说多一点钱吧 - -||)

Just as we did with the NGX- we aren't showing you much at this point in time for a couple of reasons.  First, we want to get the airplane "cleaned up" before we show it to you in order to make for a much more robust preview series.  (I don't like having to say:  "ignore XYZ that is in there as part of a test," etc.)
正如我们在 NGX 上做的那样,出于种种理由,我们不会在这个时间点上告诉大家太多东西。首先,我们希望这架插件机在整理之后再展示给大家,以便给大家一个更完整的预览(我不喜欢说“某某地方还在测试,请无视掉它”这类的话)。

Second, just as we did with the NGX we are holding our cards close to our chest in order not to tip our hand on just how sweet this airplane has become.
其次,正如我们在 NGX 上做的那样,尽可能地保持神秘,不让大家提前知道我们的底牌(这架插件机超牛)。

I'm not certain precisely when we will start sharing her with you- but it shouldn't be too much longer to wait.  (Disclaimer: I am offering no measurable timeline here...  for those who like to parse my sentences.   )
我还不能说出把 777 分享给大家的确切时间,但这不会让你们等待太久。(给那些喜欢剖析我句子之人的声明:我没有在此提供任何可供衡量的时间表)

We are not giving much attention to the artificial timelines such as "alpha testing" or "Beta testing" etc in our information cycle this time around.  Right now the only timeline we are working with is the potential release timeline and that has not changed since the day we started development.  At this point we are only telling you that release is anticipated this year.  (Note:  This estimate is an estimate based on what we know as of this moment.  It is not a contract- and we reserve the right to release the product at any point between now and 2038.)
我们没有过多关注诸如“Alpha 测试”或是“Beta 测试”之类的时间节点。现在我们唯一遵从的时间点从项目开始至今一直未改变过,那就是产品发布时间点。此刻我们只能告诉大家,产品预计今年发布。(注意:这只是在当前已知条件下的预计,而并不是一个合同,我们对何时推出这款产品保留权力)(译者:原文说的是从现在起,直到到 2038 年间的任何一个时间,只是玩笑话)

As always- we are having a ton of fun packing functionality into the airplane.  We are looking forward to previewing her for you when the time is right!

PMDG 777 手册:
We are preparing to make live the Captain and Chief Pilot manual sets for the 777.  I anticipate that they will go live in the next 7-10 days or so...  We are going to be offering 10% off initially- and the price will go up once the 777 releases- so get your order in early!
我们正在为 777 制作机长与首席飞行员的操作手册。我预计它将会在 7-10 天左右完工... 我们会在一开始为其提供 10% 的折扣,但在 777 发布的时候折扣将会取消,所以请提前预定!

DC-6 开发:
The DC-6 is getting dangerously close to beta testing!  I had anticipated this project releasing to you mid summer, but i think maybe she'll be a bit later than that.  I am going to coordinate with Henning to get some previews out relatively soon (after the office move...  see other post for details on that.)
DC-6 已经相当接近 Beta 测试了!我曾预计这个项目将在盛夏时节发布,但现在我认为可能它会有轻微的跳票。我打算在办公室搬迁之后,与 Henning 合作推出一些预览(其他贴内有相关细节)。

As some of you know- I'm a bit of a classic propliner fanatic and this airplane tickles the funny bone in a way that glass cockpits simply cannot...  If you are even remotely interested in piloting- this airplane will give you no-end to challenges.  Unlike a jet, you can't just power the motors to idle and dive for the ground- it takes some planning!
就像有些人所知道的那样,我对经典涡轮螺旋桨飞机有那么一点狂热,DC-6 在某些方面让我很感兴趣,而这是玻璃驾驶舱不能带给我的...(译者:原文的“玻璃驾驶舱”即“glass cockpits”应该是指波音 747 沿用至今的驾驶舱 CRT/LED 显示器模式,泛指电子化的现代飞机)如果你对飞行驾驶有兴趣的话,这架飞机能够给你无尽的挑战。不像喷气式飞机那样,你不能将发动机置于空挡,然后俯冲向地面,这是需要计划好再行动的。

(Don't worry- we'll teach you how!)

This will be the first airplane we start previewing- and I'm betting it will release ahead of the 777...  Stay tuned for more.
这是第一个我们开始提供预览的插件机,我打赌它会比 777 更早发布... 请持续关注。

PMDG 747-400 v2.0:
As many of you know- the 400 is my favorite airplane by quite a margin- so it is really exciting to be at work on this airframe once again.  We are not going to preview this airplane for you until the 777 is released or nearly released- but work is moving forward on schedule.
就像许多人知道的那样,400 是我最喜欢的,并且远超其他飞机。所以再次为这个机体工作是非常令人兴奋的一件事。我们不打算在 777 发布或者即将发布前提供它的预览,不过该项目正在按照计划推进。

Last week we had a robust internal debate on how to adapt our house colors so that the v2.0 airplane would be visually differentiated from the original 400X...  Pete and Jason collaborated on a really outstanding new livery for the 400v2.0 and I think you'll really like what they came up with.
上周我们针对如何调整出厂颜色展开了一次激烈的内部辩论,使 v2.0 插件机在视觉上与原有版本的 400X 不同,Pete 和 Jason 合作制作了全新并且优秀的涂装,我想你们会很喜欢。

PMDG 737NG Future Development (SP2, ERs, Mils, etc)
PMDG 737NG 开发展望 (SP2, ERs, Mils, 等等)
I have mentioned a couple of times- but I'll say again here just for clarity that the next update to the NGX product line will take place after the 777 release.
虽然已经多次提到,但我再一次明确:NGX 的产品线将会在 777 发布后进行后续升级。

This will allow us to unify some changes to the operation of products as we refine some technologies currently inside both the NGX and the 777.
由于我们在 NGX 和 777 中采用了一些相同的技术,这将有利于我们对产品进行统一升级。

We are currently working to expand the SDK capabilities in the 777 based upon feedback we have gotten from a number of hardware developers.  The improved functionality that results will be folded into the NGX through an update to that product after the 777 development is completed.
目前我们正在根据若干硬件开发者的反馈,扩充  777 SDK 的功能。这些功能上的提升将在 777 开发完成后加入到 NGX 中。

Okay- lets see...  What am I forgetting?

OH- yes- this one:

PMDG WoodPigeon:
PMDG 旅鸽:(译者:这似乎是 PMDG 的下一个项目)
We are still arguing over whether to use stitz or standard aviation canvas on this one.  We did have a small mishap with a gas torch and one of Dr. Vaos' cigarettes and the tail of the airplane- but we found a role of masking tape that matches what is left of the rudder and we think it should still fly relatively well....   
我们仍在争论在它身上是使用 stitz 还是标准的航空帆布。我们这发生了一起小事故,关于一把气焊枪、 Vaos 博士的一支香烟和飞机的尾部,但我们找来一卷胶带修补了方向舵,所以我们认为它应该还是比较好飞...(译者:缺乏关于“PMDG 旅鸽”的背景了解,所以这段话翻译出来云里雾里,不知所云,望了解情况的飞友补充)

Stay tuned....

发表于 2012-8-2 11:13:35 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:14:38 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:14:46 | 显示全部楼层
工作计划外为 777 增加了一些东西,这就意味着需要花多一点时间,还有多一点……

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:19:01 | 显示全部楼层
我最多还能忍耐两年......两年之后我就换电脑了   哈哈 哈哈 哈

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:19:13 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:21:26 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:22:40 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:23:06 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:23:18 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:29:40 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 11:40:30 | 显示全部楼层
抄收啦..楼主的翻译水平不错,但是我感觉饿777的发布起码年底都不一定做得出来..  PMDG 慢慢的拖延发布时间..再告诉飞友们,会在机模中增加很多新东西,其实就是告诉你  售价不便宜

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-2 12:31:47 | 显示全部楼层
俩月前的现在才发= =

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-2 14:06:43 | 显示全部楼层
南方航空B777 发表于 2012-8-2 11:14
工作计划外为 777 增加了一些东西,这就意味着需要花多一点时间,还有多一点……
难道是开发电子飞行包? ...


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-2 14:07:39 | 显示全部楼层
樂舒米 发表于 2012-8-2 11:40
抄收啦..楼主的翻译水平不错,但是我感觉饿777的发布起码年底都不一定做得出来..  PMDG 慢慢的拖延发布时间. ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-9-12 21:48:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-8 23:34:11 | 显示全部楼层
什么时候可以飞 PMDG777    期待中  

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-11-9 08:22:10 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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