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[PMDG 产品开发情况 原创翻译] 原文更新于2012年7月7日

发表于 2012-8-3 09:47:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 camelmax 于 2012-8-3 09:48 编辑

出于对 PMDG 777(更多地是 747v2)的关注,打算持续翻译 AVSIM 的 PMDG 子论坛管理员所发官方进度贴。

General Update: 07JUL12


Happy Saturday morning to all of you!

I have been out of circulation for the better part of a month, so I wanted to give you a quick update on some broader status items...

PMDG 777:
The 777 continues to move along, but at a slightly slower pace than planned.  I thought we would be pushing the airplane into testing late this month, but I think we are looking a bit further down the road before we take that step, as a few developers on the team have had to take some extended time away in order to tend to various family matters.
777 项目继续推进,但速度比计划中略有放缓。我曾认为可以在本月底开始这款插件机的测试,但现在这一步需要从长计议,因为我们团队中的少数成员需要分散精力来处理些家庭事务。

A new build has just gone out to the development team that includes some significant new progress in the areas of cockpit automation and crew assistance systems...  The whole airplane is really beginning to come together and we will start showing parts of her to you in the weeks ahead.
开发小组释出的最新版本里包含一些重大的新进展,例如驾驶舱自动化和机组成员辅助系统... 整个插件机已经开始组装,我们将会在未来几周内开始为大家展示。

This airplane really builds well on top of the technologies we developed for the NGX- and we are adding additional functionality to the SDK in order to accommodate features and capabilities that have been requested by various developers in the field.  (I'm being intentionally **ue on what these new capabilities are in order to protect our concepts and the concepts of various development partners...)
这架插件机的确是在 NGX 的技术架构之上建立的,应各位(模拟硬件)开发者的要求,我们正在为它的 SDK 增加额外的功能,以适应其新特性。(我特意隐去了这些新功能的细节,以便保护自身以及合作开发者的利益)

Many of these features will be rolled backward into the NGX which will really be pretty neat.
许多这样的功能也会被推广到 NGX 上,让它变得同样美妙。

Overall the 777 is looking fantastic and beginning to take shape well- we are looking forward to making the transition to testing- whenever that happens to be.  (We aren't going to talk much about it until after it has gone to testing- as this "transition" is really an invisible one to end customers...)
总的来说,777 非常棒并已经初具规模,我们期待该项目过渡到测试阶段。(在真正开始测试之前,我们不会过多地谈论它,直到这个“过渡”真正被最终用户所见到)

PMDG 747-400v2.0:
I appear to have created a bit of confusion by accident in an earlier post- so the information here replaces any earlier information on the topic:

Work on the 744v2.0 will begin to accelerate during the middle of next week, as we are finally ready to move the NGX/777 code base into the third project to be built on that platform.  Vin is still touching up the 777 VC and he will begin working on the 744 just as soon as he is finished with the 777 (which should be very soon!)
744v2.0 的开发工作将会在下周开始加速,因为我们终于准备好将 NGX/777 的代码转移至第三个基于该平台的项目。Vin 仍在对 777 的 VC 进行润色,他将在 777 的工作完成后(很快就会完成!),第一时间将精力投入 744。

The 747-400v2.0 project will initial model the 747-400 (well, duh, Rob... really?) and will then be followed by an expansion pack which adds the 747-8i, along with the required model/cockpit/systems/logic changes that are incorporated into the 747-8i/F fleet.
747-400v2.0 项目会首先构建 747-400 (恩,废话,Rob... 真的?),然后以扩展包的形式增加 747-8i 和 747-8i/F,包含所需的模型/驾驶舱/系统/逻辑变化。

I'm not going to guess when we will begin previewing this airplane for you because the only way to describe that timeline is to do it in relation to the 777, and I don't want someone to jump all over me if the 744v2.0 preview starts earlier or later than described in relation to the 777...  You follow my meaning?  Good....
我不打算预测什么时候能带给大家这个插件机的预览,因为唯一能形容这个时间点的方式就是将它和 777 项目关联起来。如果因为 777 的原因,744v2.0 的预览提前或者推迟了,我不希望有人对我大发雷霆... 你们明白我的意思了吧?很好...

Douglas DC-6:
道格拉斯 DC-6:
A new build of this product went up for internal testing this week, and we anticipate moving this project into wider testing in the weeks ahead.  We have one specific area on the airplane that requires the attention of a developer currently buried in the 777, but once he is free of 777 timeline obligations he will be completing his assigned tasks on the DC-6- and that will allow the airplane to go into beta testing!
本周正在针对该产品的一个新版本进行内部测试,我们预计未来几周内这个项目将会进入更大范围的测试。我们的一个开发人员最近被困在 777 项目里了,他同时担负着 DC-6 中某个特定任务。一旦从 777 项目中解放出来,他将会完成这部分工作,同时将把 DC-6 推进到 Beta 测试阶段!

We are looking for DC-6 type rated testers to help out with testing this project- so if you are rated on the airplane or currently working to maintain them- please reach out to us via our support ticket system.  We'd like to talk to you!
我们正在为该项目寻找 DC-6 的测试者,如果你参与过这架飞机的评估或是检修,请通过支持系统联系我们。我们想和你谈谈!

IMPORTANT NOTE:  We do not take beta testing solicitations in the forum, by forum private message, or by telephone.  You should fill out a ticket describing your background and experience and we will get back to you to request proof of qualifications at a future date.
重要提示:我们不会在论坛上招募 Beta 测试员,无论是论坛私信或是电话都不会。你可以在支持系统上填表,描述你的背景和经历,我们将会在接下来的日子里回访你,并索取资质证明。

Also please note that this solicitation applies ONLY to the DC-6- and you must have verifiable experience with the airplane.
请注意,此次招募仅限于 DC-6,你必须为此提供可供核实的资质证明。

新 PMDG 总部:
Effective Monday, 09JUL12 we will be inaugurating operations from our new corporate headquarters located in Alexandria, VA.

I have been out of circulation for slightly more than a month as we migrated from the west coast of the US to the east coast. The location of the office geographically and "time-zoneally" (I made that word up because I couldn't think of a better one!) should have no impact on any of you.  Our average support ticket answering time is lower than it has ever been, and both Paul and Ryan continue to keep an eye on things even while I am trying to un-bury myself from a sea of cardboard boxes...
由于我们从美国西海岸搬迁到东海岸,我已经超过一个月的时间没有参与讨论。新总部的地理位置和“time-zoneally”应该对你们没有任何影响。(因为想不到更好的词,所以我创造了这个单词)(译者:这里译为“时区关联性”,揣摩原文的意思应为“办公室由西海岸搬到东海岸之后,相对美国全境和欧洲的时差都比较均衡,不会因为时差给美国和欧洲的用户带来麻烦”)我们的帮助与支持表单回复速度变得前所未有地快,当我尽力想把自己从纸箱子的海洋里解救出来的时候,Paul 和 Ryan 继续处理公司的各项事务。

(Oh- and any stories you might hear about me hunting deer on federal lands in West Virginia are completely bogus.  We all know I'm not any good with a firearm and that deer jumped into my lane anyway- so taking it out with my truck was just the natural course of animal instinct meeting bad timing and the irresistible force of physics....   )

777 飞行手册印刷版:
We have completed the quality control check on the 777 flight manuals, and these will go up for sale very soon.  These manuals will be a must-study for anyone serious about the 777!
我们已经完成了 777 飞行手册的校对,它将会很快上架销售。对于 777 的铁杆玩家来说,这本手册是必备品。

There are no changes on this front- I will give you a further update later in July as we have time to evaluate the market for Xplane aircraft.
7月底(PMDG)会对 Xplane 的插件市场进行评估,在那之后我会给大家些新信息,之前一切照旧。

Okay- I think that covers the major topics for today...  I hope you all have a really enjoyable weekend!
好的,我想上面的内容基本涵盖了最近的大事... 祝大家都有一个美妙的周末!

(I'll be inside and coding...  going to be 106F with 80% humidity most of the weekend!)
(我得继续写代码去了... 这周末气温将会达到 106 华氏度,湿度也会达到 80%)(译者:106 华氏度约合 41 摄氏度)

发表于 2012-8-3 09:53:38 | 显示全部楼层
楼主的翻译速度真快啊..刚出马上就翻译好了 继续支持楼主


正在翻译7月26号的777预览,感谢支持。  发表于 2012-8-3 10:02

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-3 10:15:14 | 显示全部楼层


同期待,大爱747  发表于 2012-8-3 10:39
电脑是几年前配置的,基本上带不起NGX……看来要升级电脑了……更期待747升级版  发表于 2012-8-3 10:23
因为基于NGX平台开发,按理说能带动NGX就能带动777.  发表于 2012-8-3 10:20

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-3 11:00:04 | 显示全部楼层


没有,仅开发了FSX的版本  发表于 2012-8-3 12:37

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-3 11:01:12 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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